Projections of long-term household population growth in Greater Houston and Fort Bend County are driving a need for enhanced mobility. The Fort Bend Bypass studies are trying to determine the viability of addressing that need by moving existing freight rail operations from the US 90A corridor and initiating commuter rail operations along the current freight rail tracks.
A Fort Bend Bypass would address regional mobility needs in three ways:
Diverting most freight trains off of Union Pacific Railroad's (UP) Glidden Subdivision between Rosenberg and Houston thereby reducing the impact of freight rail operations on the adjacent roadway network.
Enabling commuter rail service to be established on the existing tracks of the UP Glidden Subdivision in the US-90A corridor between Rosenberg and Houston.
Accommodating long-term growth of freight train volume through Fort Bend County in a sealed corridor with minimal impact on the adjacent roadway network and community.
Final Study completed in February 2015.